Lean Six Sigma Black Belt(NL)

· April 16, 2023


Treed op als een Lean Six Sigma-expert met onze Lean Six Sigma Black Belt-training. Dit programma biedt geavanceerde en strategische training, die complexe onderwerpen behandelt die verder gaan dan het Green Belt-curriculum.Als Black Belt krijgt u de expertise om complexe projecten te leiden, Green Belts te begeleiden en aanzienlijke verbeteringen in prestaties en kwaliteit binnen uw organisatie te stimuleren. Deze cursus is perfect voor degenen die zich inzetten om de Lean Six Sigma-methodologie onder de knie te krijgen en een belangrijke drijfveer te worden voor operationele uitmuntendheid.

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Na voltooiing van deze cursus wordt u een gecertificeerde Black Belt, wat uw beheersing van Lean Six Sigma

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Jörgen Bisschops jorgen71
Posted 7 months ago
Finishing touch

This BB course is the finishing touch on the LSS journey. Black belt course is very well built up and goes a step further than the Green Belt course. Ready to execute my BB in practice!

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Leeladhar Shettigar Leeladhar
Posted 8 months ago
Best Course for lean six sigma

This course covers entire range of lean six sigma from white belt to black belt. Starting from basic explanation of lean six sigma till advanced concepts.

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Nandan Ramvenkatesh Nandan Ramvenkatesh
Posted 9 months ago
Black Belt - The Benefit of Interest in real time solving problems

Lean Six Sigma is a powerful methodology for achieving operational excellence and driving continuous improvement. When properly implemented and embraced by the organization, it can lead to substantial improvements in quality, efficiency, and overall business performance. I have experienced LSSB has achieved in delivering it and Master Remco improvising the website, topics, test methodologies.

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Iga Typiak IgaTypiak
Posted 10 months ago
Great Learning experience

What I liked? 👩‍🎓 : - Intuitive platform - Training program's curriculum covered all the key concepts of Six Sigma. - Real life examples allowing to translate the Six Sigma concepts in everyday job - Data sets allowing self studyIn other words Great Learning Experience !!! 😎

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Henil Rabadiya Henil
Posted 10 months ago
Learning is Wealth

One of the standout elements of this course was the emphasis on Minitab and its importance in the Six Sigma toolkit. Learning how to leverage Minitab for data analysis, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and more has been a game-changer. It's not just a software tool; it's a critical asset for driving data-driven decision-making and achieving process excellence.

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Remco Raes Remco
Posted 10 months ago
Great Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Course

This is course would be a great starting point to execute a lean six sigma project.

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Course Content

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Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

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Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
  • 44 Topics
  • 9 Exams
  • Course Certificate

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